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We are an intentional, open, welcoming, and affirming congregation. People who worship at Christ Church and come to the church for community activities represent society at large. We are of all colors, varied political ideologies, different ethnicities and gender identities. Together we live out our call as a faith community to be Christ's hands and heart in the world.  Living into the promises we make through baptism we actively strive to: love God and love our neighbor as ourselves; work for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being. We understand these promises to include all people of every race, ethinicity and gender identity. We are invested in and active in the interfaith community of Dearborn. One of our primary passions is feeding people. We strive to feed people in mind, body, and spirit. 


Our mission to feed people in mind, body, and spirit is expressed and lived into through worship, the food pantry, the organic community garden, the water reclamation project that waters the garden from rain collected off the roof of the church, reduced impact on the environment through conservation of electricity, education opportunities for the parish and the wider community to learn how to be better stewards of creation through water conservation, organic gardening, and organic composting.


Christ Church is an artistic community, bringing the arts into our worship with Sunday morning organ pieces that anchor the service, as well as a variety of musicians who may play throughout the service. Our children offer their artisitic gifts at the annual Christmas pageant and the Lenten play (Sunday before Palm Sunday, the fourth Sunday of Lent). 


But, not only are we diverse and creative, we are also concerned about the world around us. We have a food pantry that feeds 30 families and indiviuals each month. We participate, along with other Dearborn churches and schools, in Blessings in a Backpack, feeding local school kids over the weekend. We have partnered with a church in Liberia to build a K-12 Episcopal school. We host AA, boy scouts, and several civic groups who have office space in our building or gather here for meetings. 


In these, and many other ways, Christ Church is a creative, energetic church with something for everyone.


In the fall of 2015 through the spring of 2016 Christ Church hosted a 40 Best Organ Music Sunday morning concerts. This series offered about ten minutes of music highlighting the organ as part of the 50 year organ refurbishment project. Below are samples of two of those concerts. 

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